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English lesson (about Turkey)

21 Фев


Earth is the only place in the Universe where life is known to exist… İt has 7 continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Antarctica , the South America, the North America and Australia. They are surrounded ( washed) by oceans : Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, İndian Ocean, Arctic Ocean and the Southern Ocean.
Turkey is the Eurasian country that stretches across the Anatolian peninsula in Western Asia and Thrace in the Balkan region of southeastern Europe. Turkey is bordered by 8 countries : Bulgaria, Greece, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, İran, İrak and Syria. İt is washed by the Mediterranean Sea in the South, the Aegean Sea in the west and the Black Sea in the North. Separating Anatolia and Thrace are the Sea of Marmara and the Turkish Straits ( the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles).
The territory of Turkey is more than 1,600 kilometres. Turkey’s area includes lakes ( the largest is Van Gölu), rivers ( the longest is Kizilirmak , what means Red river) and of course montains (Ararat is the highest one).
The capital city of Turkey is Ankara. The territory of the country is subdivided into 81 provinces. The biggest and most crowded city is İstanbul. İt also financial, economic and cultural heart of the country.
The population of Turkey is 72 million. Turkish is the official language. The head of the states is the President – Abdullah Gül, who was elected on August 28, 2007 and the Prime Minister is Recep Tayip Erdoğan.

Earth (the Earth) – Dünya;
The Univers — Evren (Kâinat);
Exist – var olmak;
Continent- kita:
Be surrounded – çevrenmek;
Ocean – okyanus;
Stretch – uzatmak, çekip uzatmak;
Peninsula – yarımada;
Be bordered by – sınıroluşturmak;
Separate – arasında bulunmak;
Strait – boğaz;
Territory – toprak;
İncude – içine almak;
Lake – göl;
River – nehir;
Capital- başkent;
Subdivide- parsellemek;
Province – il;
Population – nüfüs;
President – cumhurbaşkanı;